4 Free Business Ideas

  4 Business Idea That Can Be Started For Free -2020  

These are the following 4 ideas were you can make a startup without any single paise


Freelancing is not a new job profile in today’s market but it surely is the most opted one. If one wishes to start a career and work on their own terms, becoming a freelancer is the answer. With online technology becoming advanced and easily available, it has become easier for freelancers to find projects on various websites. The websites like startup urge freelancer, Fiverr, etc. are portals where a freelancer can take work from numerous potential customers.

Blogger / Vlogger

Blogging / Vlogging has somewhat gained a lot of momentum over the years. People start their own blogs where they put down their thoughts about anything and everything. Where Vlogging would refer to video logs with the same purpose. People who can connect with your views will join in as a reader/viewer. As easy as it may sound, it is not easy to make a blog/vlog successful. It requires a lot of thought and dedication. But if done right, it can surely fetch you favorable returns.


Having your own Youtube channel is the latest hype in today’s time. More or less what Vlogging is, being a Youtuber is making videos dedicated to either cooking, traveling, singing, or any other activity that you would want your viewers to see you doing. There are many people who have been able to make a successful living out of this profession by gaining considerable viewership and subscribers. All you need is working internet and a gadget from where you may record and upload your videos on Youtube.

Affiliate Marketing (Online Selling)

If you have a talent for manufacturing a good that can be sold online, then becoming an online seller is the right job for you. For people, you may have goods that they can manufacture but all they require is a platform to sell their products but do not wish to make a huge investment, online sellers such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc can be really helpful.
